Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How I Know My Life Is Getting Really Boring

I had the most bizarre dream last night. It's not bizarre for being very strange. I've had plenty of strange dreams. No, this dream was bizarere for being so incredibly mundane, my subconscious really shouldn't have wasted its time creating it.

My life must be getting really boring if this is the best I can dream up. I actually dreamed that I was cleaning the bathroom. In my apartment. And it looked pretty much the same as it does everyday. It wan't like I was cleaning the bathroom and the shower turned into a giant snake. That would have been worth dreaming about. Nope. I was just ordinarily cleaning the bathroom. And in the same order I tend to do in real life. Start with the toilet, then the bathtub. I must have woke up before I got to the sink.

And do you know what the real sad thing is? After I woke up, I realized that I had been dreaming. And the thought that popped into my head? I found it strange that in the dream I was using a powder cleaner and in real life I tend to use a liquid.

Yeah. My life must be getting pretty boring.

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