Yeah, yeah, I know the theory. Dreams are your subconscious mind's way of expressing itself. I'll admit, I've always been fascinated by dream interpretation and the symbolism found in your dreams. I've never understood it, though, mainly because my dreams tend to be so
messed up that traditional symbolism doesn't really fit. Instead of flying or falling, my dreams have me being chased by sentient, toothy, and presumably carnivorous lawn chairs. That last statement is not an exageration, by the way. I actually had that dream at one point. I've remembered it all these years because it was just so messed up.
As a side note, I've also considered the fact that my dreams tend toward the Terry Gilliam and David Lynch side of the spectrum of strange to be a sign that I should never, ever drop acid.
It's important to note that I am a world class worrier, having inherited that trait from my mother. I shouldn't be too surprised that my latest string of dreams has my subconscious telling me that I'm going to fail at everything I try to do. It's just not helpful.
In the past couple of weeks, I have dreamt that I failed an important exam that in reality I am still awaiting the results, my apartment building burned down, I lost my job, I crashed my car, and my boyfriend dies. That last one truely freaked me out. Shut up, subconscious. You are not being helpful. I can worry on my own. Things are good right now. Deal with it.
Over the weekend, I had a dream that my boss and his family for what ever reason dropped by my house. Like an episode of the Honeymooners, everything that could go wrong did. It ended with said boss trying to leave and not being able to find his shoes. The parting shot I had before I woke up is my boss walking away in 2 random mismatched shoes of mine. To this I say, what the hell, subconscious?
One of these days, I think I would like to go to one of those dream interpreters, just to see what they say. I suspect that with my dreams, I may be accused of making stuff up.
Here is a trick to controlling dreams: Throughout your day, every time you cross a door touch it and ask yourself "am I dreaming?" The answer of course will be "no!" If it works, you will find a door in your dreams eventually and you will ask the same question only your answer will be "yes, I am dreaming." I taught all of my children how to control their dreams at a young age. There are different ways but the door exercise seems to work for many.
The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I imply, I know it was my option to learn, but I actually thought youd have something attention-grabbing to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you would fix when you werent too busy on the lookout for attention.
You bookmarks also get indexed right away in yahoo!
It's good to know that I am not the only person who has crazy dreams!
The worst dream that I can remember involved my aunt. She has been my favorite aunt for as long as I can remember. In this dream, she was diagnosed with cancer. I was upset, of course, but stayed positive. Throughout the duration of the dream, I watched her go through chemotherapy, lose her hair and become incredibly sick. It was terrible! She actually ended up dying!
I woke up absolutely bawling with tears drenching my face. When I realized that it was only a dream, I was so relieved. The thing that blew my mind about the whole thing was that my short dream felt like a whole year. It was an incredibly long length of time. Also, the fact that my own mind cooked up this crazy story that affected me so dramatically! I had never cried just from a dream before!
I hope I never have a dream like that again!!
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