Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hey, I Really Do Have a Facebook Page

I've been getting emails from people asking to be my friend on Facebook. My reaction so far has been, huh? I don't recall ever signing up for a Facebook page. Out of curiosity, I searched for myself and did, indeed, come up with my own profile.

Judging by the 2 messages on the page, I'm guessing that I signed up at the request of one of my friends, as a way to keep in touch, of course, and then promptly forgot about it. Thinking hard I vaguely recall doing this.

And, so, that brings me to my dilemma. Do I simply delete the page and disappear in the ethos? Or do I actually put some content on the damn thing and get back in touch with people who took the time to look me up? Decisions, decisions.


BlueMule said...

Even fatty is on facebook. That should say something. Look me up. And you can become a fan of Howling Hog Barbecue also.

Yomper said...

I'm a Facebook slacker (surprised?), but even I have some pictures up and have reconnected with some people with my past. It also helps you communicate with people in your present. Over the weekend I got into a Facebook chat with BlueMule in which we bitched, in real time, about 10-year-old sons and their desire to do anything but homework. Give it a try. It's not just for worthless college students anymore.

BlueMule said...

How come when I search for you on Facebook, you don't show up?

Quartermaster said...

My guess is because you didn't look hard enough. Did you spell my name right? There's only 1 of me.

BlueMule said...

I think I found you. You're not in the Vermont Network, so I had to look elsewhere. Put a picture up, though so we can be sure it's you. Or, of course, you could just look for me and Yomper yourself.

Succumb to the peer pressure!

Anonymous said...

I tried to delete myself from facebook because I have a slooooow computer and no time to socialize...I couldn't find a way. Now I'm doomed to getting wierd friend requests from people I haven't heard of/ people I haven't thought of in 15 years. Now I know that you are using yours, I have more of a reason to use it.