On Tuesday, my brother and I pulled out the decorations and put up the Christmas tree. I'm being a little generous here. I pulled out the decorations, assembled the tree, and then he got into putting up the decorations. This is my third year with an artificial tree. I do kind of miss the pine smell and feel of a real tree, but I don't miss having to constantly check the water and vacuuming up all the little needles that off because I can't seem to remember to keep an eye on the water. Also, the cats are far less inclined to climb a fake tree. Here it is in all its glory. And again with the lights off.

We don't have a chimney in our apartment, so the stockings are hung on the stairwell with care. Our rather sterile stairwell itself has also been dressed up a little with green pine garland. And this year I put up my nativity scene. I'm pround of the lights. The figures themselves are clear glass. My mother gave me the set years ago. I drilled a few holes in a cookie tin and installed a small strand of Christmas lights. And there you have instant cheesey light up nativity scene. Have I mentioned I'm easily distracted by shineyt objects?

I own an amazing number of Christmas lights. Some I purchased, some were given to me, and some were left by roommates past. On strand was retired this year. With so many lights, I just didn't feel like chasing the burned out bulb. My brother hung some of the excess lights in the kitchen window. You can see these lights from the street. They look better from the outside. To complete the festive mood, I hung my silver instrument garland across the lving room entrance while my brother hung gold garland across the patio door. He even hung the lonely left over pine garland around the fish tank. To finish it off I hung the mistletoe in the middle of the living room. Right now it's some sad looking mistletoe, but this stuff has seen a few holidays come and go. It's been around. Ok, it's old and falling apart. I'll replace it at the first opputunity.
To anyone who actually reads this, I'm going to give my shameless plug. I started a CafePress store to support my pirate crew, Harlequin Specter. The procedes from the store will (hopefully) pay for the website and help with the buss project. If you're looking for unique gifts to give to your piratey friends, take a look at the Harlequin Specter merchandise store. I designed a special ornament just for the holidays. Here it is, hanging on my tree.
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